Viewing Job Details of a Script

You can select a script and view its status and other corresponding details. You can choose to view details of the most recent job or all jobs within a recurring cycle. You must have the 'View Jobs' permission to view the job details of a script.

Note: The View Latest Job and View All Jobs options are disabled for scripts with 'Pending Test' status.

To view details of a script job:

1. Navigate to Scripts > Scripts sub-tab.

2. Select a script and then click Quick Actions > View Latest Job to view the most recent execution job of the selected script.

To view all jobs within a recurring cycle, click Quick Actions > View All Jobs.

The script ID of the selected script is displayed in the Jobs tab. The job details include the following information:

- Time: The time when the script was executed last

- Job Name: Name of the script

- Platform: Platform and type of the script

- Severity: Severity of the script that was entered during the script creation

- Script Category: Category of the script that was entered during the script creation

- Result Count: Number of assets that are in scope for the script

- Success: Number of assets on which the script was successfully executed

- Fail: Number of assets on which the script failed to execute

- Pending: Number of assets on which the script is yet to be executed

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