Release 2.3 API
October 15, 2024
Before understanding the API release highlights, learn more about the API server URL to be used in your API requests by referring to the Know Your Qualys API Server URL section. For this API Release Notes, <qualys_base_url> is mentioned in the sample API requests.
What's New?
Updated Input Parameter 'threshold' for Script-based APIs
In our latest update, we have made an important change to how we handle time-based threshold values. Specifically, we have removed the 'thresholdTimeUnit' field. From now on, you need to provide values for the 'threshold' field in SECONDS. This adjustment is aimed at simplifying the configuration process and ensuring a more standardized approach across our platform. Update your settings accordingly to ensure seamless operation.
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Data Type |
Description |
threshold | Optional | Integer | Use it to provide the specific time that defines how long the script must run. You need to specify the time in seconds. |
The following APIs are impacted due to changes in the threshold parameter.
- Create Custom QID API
- Update Custom QID API
- Create Custom Scripts with GitHub URL and Parameter API
- Update Custom Scripts with GitHub URL and Parameter API
Create Custom QID API
New or Updated API | Updated |
API Endpoint (Deprecation timeline - Feb 2025) | /sm/v3/script |
API Endpoint (New Version) | /sm/v4/script |
Method | POST |
DTD or XSD changes | Not Applicable |
Sample: Create Request with base64 ContentsSample: Create Request with base64 Contents
API Request
curl -X POST '<qualys_base_url>/sm/v4/script'
--header 'Accept: application/'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <authToken>'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
"description":"Microsoft Internet Explorer Information Disclosure
Vulnerability description",
"title":"Microsoft Internet Explorer Information Disclosure
"type":"Detection QID",
"detectionLogic":"Use Script",
{ "errorCode":"0", "message":" Custom QID script created successfully", "body":{ "id":100502 } }
Update Custom QID API
New or Updated API | Updated |
API Endpoint (Deprecation timeline - Feb 2025) | /sm/v3/script{id} |
API Endpoint (New Version) | /sm/v4/script{id} |
Method | PATCH |
DTD or XSD changes | Not Applicable |
Sample to update the scriptSample to update the script
API Request
curl -X PATCH'<qualys_base_url>/sm/v4/script/{scriptID}' --header'Accept: application/' --header'Authorization: Bearer <authToken>' --header'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw'{ "description":"scirpt to be executed on Linux platform", "severity":"1", "threshold":5, "categoryId":6 }'
{ "id":100007, "message":"Updated Successfully." }
Create Custom Scripts with GitHub URL and Parameter API
New or Updated API | Updated |
API Endpoint (Deprecation timeline - Feb 2025) | /sm/v2/script |
API Endpoint (New Version) | /sm/v4/script |
Method | POST |
DTD or XSD changes | Not Applicable |
Sample: Create Scripts with GitHub ParametersSample: Create Scripts with GitHub Parameters
API Request
curl -X POST '<qualys_base_url>/sm/v4/script' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authToken>' --header 'Content-Type: application json' --data-raw ' { "title":"{{scriptTitle}}", "description":"Sample Description", "categoryId":2, "platform":"WINDOWS", "severity":3, "threshold":300, "thresholdTimeUnit":"SECOND", "languageId":201, "gitHubUser":"Qualys", "gitHubRepo":"community", "gitHubBranch":"", "gitHubFilePath":"assetcount/" }'
{ "errorCode":"0", "message":"Script created successfully", "body":{ "id":61180 } }
Update Custom Scripts with GitHub URL and Parameter API
New or Updated API | Updated |
API Endpoint (Deprecation timeline - Feb 2025) | /sm/v2/script |
API Endpoint (New Version) | /sm/v4/script |
Method | PATCH |
DTD or XSD changes | Not Applicable |
Sample: Update Script with GiHub ParametersSample: Update Script with GiHub Parameters
API Request
curl --location --request PATCH '<qualys_base_url>/sm/v4/script/61180' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authToken>' --header 'Content-Type: application json' --data-raw ' { "title":"{{scriptTitle}}", "description":"Sample Description updated", "categoryId":6, "severity":3, "threshold":300, "gitHubUser":"Qualys", "gitHubRepo":"community", "gitHubBranch":"", "gitHubFilePath":"assetcount/" }'
{ "id":61180, "message":"Updated Successfully." }