Policy Reports

Policies are set of controls. We provide ability to generate policy specific compliance report. We support report generation of policies for all the cloud providers we support: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

What are Policies?What are Policies?

Policies are set of controls. We support report generation of policies for all the cloud providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Can I edit the Policies?Can I edit the Policies?

No, the Policies are pre-defined and cannot be edited. However, you can view the policy.

Can I select multiple Policies?Can I select multiple Policies?

Yes, you can select one or more policies in a report template.

How to generate Policy Report?How to generate Policy Report?

It's easy to create a custom report  template.

1) Just go to Reports > On-Screen Reports > Create New Template. Show meShow me

New Report Template option

2) Provide a title and description (optional) to the report template. Show meShow me

Basic information required during new template creation.

3) Select the cloud provider for which you want to generate the policy report.

4) Select the Execution Type  – Runtime or Buildtime.

5) Select Policy in the Report Type, select the Policy from the drop-down and then click Next. You can select multiple policies.

6) Select the tags, connector, or a combination of tags and connector you want to evaluate for compliance. Show meShow me

Account or Connector selection.

6) Review the configured report template settings in the Summary and then click Create Template and Run Report. Show meShow me

Summary of the report template configuration.

Manage Your On-Screen Reports

Sample Report Sample Report

Sample of Policy Based Report.