User (Reader Privileges)

You can create a new user role “Reader” (read-only-access permissions) and assign it to users. The user with Reader role can only view the data displayed in TotalCloud module.

Permissions: Only users with access to Administration module can create users with reader role.

A new sub-user will take at least 5 minutes for their privileges to be reflected in TotalCloud.

What can the Reader User do?

The user with reader role can

- View connectors

- Monitor controls, policies and resources

- Create and edit dashboards

- Access to TotalCloud reports (inherits permissions assigned by the Manager user)

The user with reader role cannot create connector or evaluate controls, policies.

Quick Steps

(1) Create a Reader User: Navigate to Administration module > User Management > Create User > Create Reader User.

Navigation to create Reader User in Administration utility.


(2) Create a role in Administration utility and ensure that the role has UI access permission and all permissions listed enabled.

Permissions to be configured for reader role.

(3) Select Assign Global Reporting Permissions from the Reporting permissions to provide the Reader access to TotalCloud Reports. For more information, refer to Reporting Permission.

(4) Assign the role to the newly created user.

The new reader user is ready to use TotalCloud with monitoring capabilities!