Assets Discovered by Cloud Agent as Passive Sensor 

You can now see the assets discovered by Cloud Agent as Passive Sensor (CAPS) on the Inventory page. The Cloud Agent can monitor all network traffic and flag any asset activity. The asset metadata is sent to the Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform for analysis, with which you can classify the unmanaged assets by operating system and hardware. This provides you with real-time visibility to all managed and unmanaged assets across your global, hybrid IT environment.

- The CAPS module applies only to the Windows platform.

- For the Cloud Agent to work as a passive sensor, you must perform CAPS configuration before activating the CAPS module for an agent host. For more information, see this Release Notes.

You can see detailed information about the asset discovered by CAPS from the Asset Details > Sources > CAPS tab. For more information, see CAPS details.

Asset Inventory Source CAPS.

When your asset is discovered by the cloud agent that acts as a passive sensor, the CAPS tag is added to the asset.

When multiple cloud agents within the same subnet are configured to act as passive sensors, one cloud agent is elected as a leader and discovers assets, and those assets are shown in the CSAM inventory. In that case, the CAPS Leader tag is added to that cloud agent.