EASM Multiple Profiles - Overview

Learn more about EASM multiple profiles overview and its benefits.

Benefits of Multiple EASM Profiles

- Enables you to control the external attack surface of global organizations with distributed IT owners and support centers.

- Allows you to assess the external attack surfaces and security postures of potential Mergers & Acquisitions.

- Provides greater flexibility to administrators to manage profiles independently by creating, updating, and deleting profiles individually.

EASM Multiple Profiles Details

- The Account Type is shown as Multi Profile.

- The Profile Created count is shown as X/Y, indicating the number of profiles created/maximum profiles you can create.

- The Add Profile is disabled if you have consumed the maximum profile creation count granted.

Multiple profiles.

License Type

The maximum number of EASM profiles that can be created

CSAM Trial




Actions You Can Perform from the EASM Profile Tile

- By clicking the  Actions menu from the EASM profile tile, you can edit, activate, deactivate, and delete the EASM profile and generate EASM reports on data for that profile. These actions can be limited via role-based access controls in the Administration application.

- By clicking the assets count, you are navigated to the Inventory page, where you can see the summary of assets scanned or synced using that profile.

- By clicking the View icon, you can view the EASM profile.