View Certificates

Qualys Certificate View application provides a comprehensive view of all the SSL/TLS certificates across your enterprise and cloud-hosted managed assets. CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM) integrates with the Qualys Certificate View application, allowing you to view certificates from the Qualys Certificate View application. Moreover, CSAM also enables you to view certificates for unmanaged assets.

A new tab, Certificates, is added under the Inventory tab. From this tab, you can see certificates for managed and unmanaged assets discovered from Cloud Agent, IP, and EASM inventory sources. 

- When you toggle to CSAM, you can view certificate details for assets discovered from Cloud Agent, IP, and EASM discovery sources.

- When you toggle to EASM, you can see certificate details for assets discovered only from the EASM discovery source.

Certificates page.

(1) You can see a detailed summary of certificates, such as the organization, the issuer's name, algorithm, sources, and so on.

(2) You can see the tiles that show the count of Expired, Expiring, Low Grade, and Qualys Renewable certificates. 

(3) You can search certificates using a Qualys Query Language (QQL).

(4) You can use the search criteria in the left pane to find a summary of the required certificate details. The supported search criteria are Expiring Certificates, Algorithm, Unique Key Size, and Certificate Authority.


- You can find certificates that will expire in 90 days, 60 days, 30 days, or expired certificates.

- You can find certificates based on the specified algorithm, such as MD5withRSA or SHA256withRSA.

(5) You can use quick operations such as downloading the certificate data, refreshing the certificates, toggle the graph to show or hide the tiles that show expired, expiring, low grade, and Qualys renewable certificates. 

(6) When you toggle to EASM, you can group certificates by Organizaton/Subsidiary, Domain, Subdomain, and Asset name, and when you toggle to CSAM, you can group certificates by Asset Name.

Related Topics

- You can view the individual certificate details to learn the detailed certificate information.

- You can find Certificate instance details, such as certificate name, protocol, and service, from the Certificates tab on the Asset Details page.