Add API Source

Once you install the Qualys App, you must add the API source.

Perform the following steps to add API source:

  1. Go to Qualys CMDB Bi-directional Sync App > Configuration > API Sources, and click New.
  2. Enter the required details to create the source:

    Name - Provide a name for the API source.

    POD - Click and select the valid Qualys POD.

    MID Server - The MID server can work as a proxy server/middleman between ServiceNow and Qualys pod, wherein the ServiceNow instance is limited in its reachability to outside sources.

    The MID server user requires role x_qual5_itam_nwapp.common_queue.

    Username and Password - Enter valid Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform credentials with API access enabled for the account on the selected POD.

    Enable Qualys to ServiceNow Sync and Enable ServiceNow to Qualys Sync - Select these options to allow uninterrupted sync between Qualys and ServiceNow.

    Validation - Reflects the status of usage of the Test Connection button. When you create a new API source, the field is automatically set to Not Validated, by default indicating that the API source has not yet been tested. Once you click Test Connection (after completing API source creation), the value changes to validated or validation failed, depending on the test result.

    The Validation field is auto-populated and is not editable.

    Active - Select this option to tell us the source is active and assets should be synced from the active source. In case of multiple sources, you can use this option to activate or deactivate a source.

    Sync Software Catalog

    Using Sync Software Catalog option, you can sync the software-related information separately. It can sync all the software information into Qualys App OOB tables or CMDB tables.

    You can see the following checkbox:

    These checkboxes are disabled by default. Enabling them syncs the software catalog data to the CMDB tables.

    If you enable the Sync Software Catalog checkbox, software catalog data can be added to staging tables. Disable this checkbox if you do not want to sync software catalog data to the staging tables.

    If you enable the Sync Software Catalog to CMDB checkbox, it can sync software catalog data to the CMDB Software Package table. Disable this checkbox if you do not want to sync data directly to the CMDB tables.

    • Sync Software Catalog
    • Sync Software Catalog to CMDB.
  3. Click Submit to create the API source.

Then, after configuring and saving the API source, choose the record you just created from the API source list, open the record, and click Test Connection.

Sync Asset Tag/Asset Group

Using Sync Asset Tag/Asset Group, you can sync asset tag or asset group from Qualys to ServiceNow. In this option, you can see the two checkboxes.

  • Sync Asset Tags 
  • Sync Asset Groups

If you want to sync the Asset Tags from Qualys to ServiceNow, enable the Sync Asset Tags checkbox.

If you want to sync the Asset Groups from Qualys to ServiceNow, enable the Sync Asset Groups checkbox.

By default, these checkboxes are enabled. Refer the following screenshot.


Sync Certificates

Using Sync Certificates, you can sync certificates from Qualys to ServiceNow. In this option, you can see the Sync Certificates checkbox. Enable this checkbox If you want to sync Certificates from Qualys.   

You can also set up a relationship between CI record and certificates using the relation type listed in the Relation Type dropdown.

By default, the relation type is Owns::Owned by.

Certificate Filter - Using this field, you can search the results using the QQL search tokens. Follow Qualys VMDR OT Online Help for how to create or use the Qualys QQL search token.

Click Submit to create the API source.

After configuring and saving the API source, choose the record created from the API source list, open it, and click Test Connection.

Add Custom Pod (PCP)

Qualys provides you with predefined pod details for Qualys platforms. If you are a PCP user, we also give you the option to create and add details of your PCP environment.

Here are the steps to add new POD entry/PCP URLs:

  1. Go to Qualys CMDB Bi-directional Sync App > Configuration > API Sources, and click New.
  2. Click the search_iconsearch icon in the POD field.magnifier

    The list of PODs - 'Qualys PODs' table is displayed.

  3. Click New to add POD information.


  4. Provide the following information and save the custom record.
    1. POD: Name for the custom POD record.
    2. Server: Click the unlock_icon unlock icon to provide the Server URL.
    3. Asset Inventory Server: Click the unlock icon to provide the Qualys API Gateway URL.

The Qualys API URL you should use for Server and Asset Inventory Server fields depends on the Qualys platform where your account is located. For more information on Qualys platform URLs, refer to Qualys Platforms.

Next Step

Create Schedules