
Configure Pipeline Job

You can scan and secure the IaC templates using the Jenkins pipeline job.

  1. Create a Jenkins pipeline project and place the required script in the pipeline project.
  2. If you want to scan the entire repository, set the value for scanWholeRepo as True. If you want to scan only the changed / newly added files, set the value for scanWholeRepo as False.
  3. To run this job on the required agent, add the agent details in the script and click Save.
  4. Paste the generated pipeline script copied earlier from step 6 in Configure Git Repositories.
  5. Add the environment variables created in step 3 in Configure Environment Variables.
  6. If you are connected to a proxy server, mention the HTTP Proxy details in the script.

    Image 21

Sample Script

def scanWholeRepo=false pipeline {

agent { label 'vm198'} stages {

stage ("Checkout the Code") { steps {

// Use pipeline Syntax snippet generator and select sample

type git:Git

git branch: 'main', credentialsId: 'Github-Creds', url:




stage ("Run QIaC Container") { agent {

docker {

// provide Qualys docker image name image 'qualys/qiac_security_cli' args '--entrypoint=""'

alwaysPull true reuseNode true



environment {

// Create a username and password credential in jenkins as a secrete text and provide credential id



// Please use proxy if required for your env HTTP_PROXY="http://xx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx" HTTPS_PROXY="http://xx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx"


steps {

//Do not change following command sh 'su qiac'

sh "sh /home/qiac/iac_scan_launcher.sh ${scanWholeRepo}"




post {

always {

archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'cli_output')

// to clean up directory Workspace cleanup plugin is required cleanWs()




Next step:

View Scan Output