
This section helps you to find solutions for troubleshooting frequently faced issues.

The test connection is successful, but the Scanner, Option Profile, and EC2 Connector drop-down fields on the configuration are empty.

This issue happens because the Qualys user account you used to connect to the API server does not have permission to access the PC APIs. To check the user’s privileges:

  1. Log in to Qualys Platform using your account credentials, and from the module picker, select the Administration module.
  2. Search for the user by username on the User Management tab
  3. Select the user, then select Actions > View to go to User View screen.

    User Management

  4. Go to Roles and Scopes tab and check if the user can access PC APIs.


Jenkins Build console logs displays - 'Data not found for policy 'policy_name' and host <asset_ip>

The PC Scan API server returns this message in response to the API calls made by the Qualys PC Scanning Connector to fetch the PC scan data for the host asset. During the scan, if the Scan API discovers that the technology specified in the policy is not present on the target host, then no scan data is generated by the API for this policy after the scan. Hence, no policy data was found in the message.

For API to scan the host for the selected policy, ensure the technology you have added to the policy is also on the host.

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