Dashboards in PM

The Dashboard integration tool provides data from the Qualys solutions on a single Dashboard. Each Qualys product offers its own dashboard, allowing you to customize dashboards and create widgets. 

Dashboards provide actionable insights into your data. This section explores various dashboard templates and customization options and the process of creating patch reports.

Qualys Patch Management integrates with Unified Dashboard (UD) to bring information from all Qualys applications into a single place for visualization. UD provides a powerful, new dashboarding framework along with platform service that will be consumed and used by all other products to enhance the existing dashboard capabilities. Refer to Unified Dashboards page for more information. 

Patch Management Dashboards

The following section talks about Patch Management default dashboards, special dashboards, and widgets. 

Overview Dashboard

The PM Overview Dashboard is the default dashboard that gives information about Windows, Mac, and Linux patches. Details of patches such as failed patch status, missing patches, assets awaiting reboot, and status of the patches can be seen. 

Enterprise Patch Risk View Dashboard

This dashboard lets you get a complete view of Enterprise Patch Risks and track everything in a single unified dynamic dashboard. 

5-Step Risk Reduction Dashboard

The Risk Reduction Dashboard is used to fix vulnerabilities by following certain steps.  

Customizable Dynamic Dashboard

Dashboards help you visualize your assets, see the open vulnerabilities, leverage saved searches, and patch Windows, Linux, and Mac vulnerabilities.   

Qualys Patch Management offers several out-of-the-box widgets. Each widget displays a short description of the information it offers. You can also easily configure widgets to pull information from other modules/applications and add them to your dashboard. You can also add as many dashboards as you like to customize your view.

We have:

  • Total 7 out-of-the-box widgets for Windows patches, out of which 5 are the system-defined widgets, and 2 are editable.
  • 4 out-of-the-box widgets for Linux patches.
  • Total 7 out-of-the-box widgets for Mac patches, out of which 5 are the system-defined widgets, and 2 are editable.

 You can also add the "SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED PATCHES" widget, which shows the number of patches successfully installed across all platforms.

For more information, see Patch Management Widgets.

You can customize and add these widgets based on your preferences. To add Windows to the old widget titles, you must delete and re-import the old widgets.

Related Link

Watch Video  PM Dashboards