Error Codes Details for Mac Patch Failure

Apart from the patch-specific failure reasons, the patch deployment can fail due to OS issues or a vendor patch issue.

The following are the vendor patch and OS patch failure issues:

  • HTTP Status: Issues related to the internet. For more information, see Response Status Codes.
  • Exit Code: Issues related to vendor-specific software. To find more information about the issues related to the vendor-specific software, visit the vendor site.

Table 1: Exit codes and possible root cause for the Mac patch failureTable 1: Exit codes and possible root cause for the Mac patch failure

See the following table that shows the exit codes, the possible root cause for the Mac patch failure, and possible solutions to fix the issue. To know how to view the exit code details, refer to Viewing Patch Failure Error Code Details.

Exit Code & Vendor 



Possible Root Cause

Possible Solution



The patch installation is successful, and the changes will be effective only after the asset is rebooted.

The agent machine is still in the pending reboot state.


The issue will be resolved after rebooting the endpoint.




The required disk space is not available on the agent machine.

The disk space is full.

The issue will be resolved after you free up the disk space of the targeted asset.



This is a generic error that is specific to the asset.

The 1603 MSI error code indicates a generic failure, but it's asset specific.

Refer to the following link for the suggested solution:



While installing the MS Office updates that utilize the Click-to-Run technology for some versions, such as some Office 2016, all Office 2019, and later, or Office365/Microsoft 365, OfficeC2RClient.exe must be utilized to trigger the update. This is handled by the \"noop.exe\" process, which calls the OfficeC2RClient.exe process with various switches. In some cases, if this process doesn't execute successfully, the security controls return the 1603 error.

The 1603 error indicates that the noop.exe application does not have the rights to run the OfficeClickToRun.exe or OfficeC2RClient.exe executable.
Security Controls use \"noop.exe\" to deploy the OfficeClickToRun.exe or OfficeC2RClient.exe with switches that enable the Office update process to complete.


The issue will be resolved after downloading the GPO settings required for the Office Customization tool. You can download the GPO settings from Also, \"Management of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise\" needs to be set to "Enabled".  


Microsoft, Splunk, and VMware

The Windows Installer service couldn't install the upgrade patch because either the program to be upgraded might be missing or the upgrade patch might update a different version of the program.

The version of the program targeted in the patch differs from the one on the agent machine. It might happen when an upgrade in the application is done in any other way before the actual patch installation.

The issue will be resolved by selecting the correct patch that supports the application version on the endpoint. But if the targeted application is already updated, you can ignore this message.



This error is encountered on failed patch deployments for Microsoft Office in the "Security Controls" or "Patch for Windows" console.


This issue is caused by a corrupt Microsoft Office installation or missing installation files that cause the patch installation to fail.


currently, the issue will be resolved by the following two methods:

-  Run the Microsoft Office installer you used to install the package & use the same to repair the installation. As a result, the missing files will be replaced.

-  Completely uninstall or reinstall Microsoft Office using the following Microsoft Uninstall Support tool to ensure that any old files or registry items are removed during the uninstall.

Table 2: HTTP codes and possible root cause for the Mac patch failureTable 2: HTTP codes and possible root cause for the Mac patch failure

See the following table that shows the HTTP codes, the possible root cause for the Mac patch failure, and possible solutions to fix the issue. To know how to view the exit code details, refer to Viewing Patch Failure Error Code Details.

HTTP Code & Vendor 



Possible Root Cause

Possible Solution



Temporary Redirect

The resource requested is temporarily moved to the URL given by the Location headers.


Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support.





The client request is incomplete because of invalid authentication credentials for the requested resource.


Validate the authentication. If the issue persists, contact Support.






The server refused the authorization request.

Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support. 



Not Found

The server does not find the requested resource.



Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support. 



Proxy Authentication Required


The request is not applied because of invalid authentication credentials for a proxy server between the browser and the server that accesses the requested resource.


Validate the authorization. If the issue persists, contact Support. 



Internal Server Error


The request is not fulfilled because of an unexpected error encountered by the server.


Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support. 



Bad Gateway


While the server acted as a gateway or proxy, it received an invalid response from the upstream server.


Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support. 




Service Unavailable


The server is not ready to handle the request.


Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support. 




Gateway Timeout


While the server acted as a gateway or proxy, it did not get an in-time response from the upstream server.


Validate the patch download URL. If the issue persists, contact Support.