Configuration of Qualys Virtual Scanner 

Qualys Virtual Scanner image can be downloaded from the Qualys Cloud platform using the following steps.

 Use only the Virtual Scanner Appliance for KVM image available in the Qualys Cloud Platform. 

Download Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance Image

  1. Log in to the Qualys Cloud Platform and download the KVM Scanner Image.

    (Navigate to VMDR > Scans > Appliances and select New > Virtual Scanner Appliance. Choose the Download Image Only option, and select the distribution package you want to download.) 

    The image is downloaded in the tar.gz format.

  2. Extract the QCOW2 file from the tar.gz image file.

Extract QCOW2 from tar.gz 


Use the following command to generate a file in QCOW2 format.

# tar –xvzf qVSA-X.X.xx-x.tar.gz

Upload this QCOW2 file using the dashboard or command line.



You can install 7-zip to extract the tar.gz file.

Activity Log

The extraction step generates a tar file.

Picture 17

Use 7-Zip tool again to extract the qcow2 image disk from the tar file:

Extracting the tar file generates the QCOW2 Image file and XML template:


qVSA-X.X.XX-X -libvirt.xml

Upload the Scanner Image 

On KVM host machine, upload the extracted QCOW2 Scanner image to the desired directory

For example


Ensure you change the owner & group of the Image to qemu.

Next Step

Step 3: Deploy Scanner Instances

Additional Resources



Scanner Appliance Versioning