The Discovery and Inventory section aims to set you up with the tools necessary to link your AWS account with TotalCloud, granting it visibility into your resources. TotalCloud organization-level connectors simplify establishing connections to your public cloud providers. Configure only one connector per public cloud provider to support all your organization-wide accounts automatically discovering and assessing for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
To link your account with TotalCloud, you need to Configure Connectors.
Once a connector is configured, the TotalCloud pane shows all the resources you have available. The Inventory reveals your overall resource count and the total amount of the following resources:
If you have both CSA subscription enabled in your Qualys account, each resource count can be clicked to view their failed controls on AssetView/CloudView.
Next, you can begin continuous assessment of the identified resources by configuring FlexScan. Read more at Configure FlexScan.