Add a New Physical Scanner Appliance

Configure and activate your physical scanner appliance in just 3 easy steps. You can check out our Scanner Appliance User Guide to get complete details. A Manager or Unit Manager can complete these steps.

1) plug the appliance into your internal network,

2) complete the configuration using the LCD panel (you're done once you see your activation code), and

3) activate it - using the user interface go to Scans > Appliances and select New > Scanner Appliance and enter the activation code. You're done once you see the friendly name and IP address.

Troubleshooting tips

Don't see the activation code?Don't see the activation code?

Each appliance has a unique activation code. You'll see the activation code in the LCD panel once your appliance has made a successful connection to our cloud platform. If you do not see this code you need to troubleshoot the reason why your appliance did not connect to the platform.

Please check the appliance network configuration and be sure the appliance can connect to our cloud platform. Go to Help > About to find the URLs your appliance must be able to contact using HTTPS on port 443.

Be sure to verify activation is successfulBe sure to verify activation is successful

Your appliance needs to make a connection to our cloud platform. You'll see the friendly name and IP address when the activation is complete.

It may take a few minutes for the appliance activation to occur. If you prefer not to wait, complete the activation manually by restarting the appliance like this: power down the appliance by pressing the On/Off button at the rear for an instant, wait until the appliance has powered itself off, and then press the On/Off button again.

What's next?

Is my appliance ready for scanning?Is my appliance ready for scanning?

Your appliance must be connected to our cloud platform. Go to the appliances list (Scans > Appliances) and check your appliance status. You'll see Green scanner connected iconnext to your appliance when it is ready to process scans.

Important: If your appliance isn't connected, you'll need to troubleshoot the issue before you can start scanning.

How do I grant users access to an appliance?How do I grant users access to an appliance?

Users who are not Managers need to be granted access to an appliance in order to use it. If you are a Unit Manager and you activated the appliance, you won't be able to use the appliance for scanning until your Manager grants you access to it. Learn more

Do you want to change the friendly name?Do you want to change the friendly name?

The friendly name helps you identify your appliance. We'll assign one automatically and you can change it at any time. Go to Scans > Appliances, hover over your appliance and select Edit.

Tip Your account can include a mix of physical, virtual and offline scanner appliances.

Did you know? You can replace an appliance with a new one. Just go to Scans > Appliances > New > Replace Scanner Appliance.