
Scorecard Report

The scorecard report presents an interactive view of the results of the selected web applications. The scorecard report presets the security status of the web applications associated with one or more tags.

The Target section displays the scan title and web application that is scanned. 

The Filters section displays the vulnerability and remediation filters that are included.  

The Summary section displays the security status of the web applications associated with one or more tags, the number of web applications considered, and the number of vulnerabilities. 

The filters that are selected are displayed in different graphs and charts. For example, vulnerabilities by severity, status, or groups. 

The Result section displays details of the vulnerability categories and list of web applications with the number of detections for each severity level. 

Edit Filters

Click  to open the Edit Report dialog box. You can modify basic information, target web applications, filters for the report, and display settings. When you save the modified settings, the updated report is displayed.

To modify filters for catalog reports, see Scorecard Report Template - Filter. To modify the display settings for the catalog reports, see Report Template - Display.

Download Report 

You can download the reports in a selected format. 

To download the report:

- Click 

- In the Download Report dialog box:

- select the format for the report

- select the time zone to be used for the dates in the report

- Click Download

The report is downloaded in the selected format.