
Scan Categorization 

Scans can be categorized in different ways - by scan type, scan mode, single or multi-scan, and status of the scan.

Scan Type

You can view the three types of scans in the Scan List tab- discovery scan, vulnerability scan, and authentication test. 

The scan types can be identified by the icons with which the scans are displayed in the list. 

- Discovery scan 

- Vulnerability scan 

- Authentication test 

Scan Modes 

The scan can also be categorized by the mode in which the scan is launched- whether the scan is a scheduled scan or launched on demand.

- On-demand UI scan 

- On demand API scan 

- Scheduled scan 

Single and Multi Scan 

The scan be categorized by scan category that is, whether it is a single, multi, or slice scan. 

The number of slices that are included in the multi-scan are displayed with the scan category . You can click the number to view the list of slice scans in the View Scan Details | Slice Scans

Multi scan with error is indicated with 

Status of Scan 

Scan in each status indicated with a different color. The scans in Finished status with partial or failured authentication status are indicated as .

Search for Scans 

You can search for the scans by scan type, scan mode, scan category, and scan status, and so on using quick filters or QQL tokens. 

For example

Search by Scan Type using quick filter

Search by Scan Type using QQL token 

Related topics

Search Tokens for Scans

Scan List