
Scan List 

The Scan List tab manages all the scans to which you have access. The tab displays the scans, type of scans, scan mode, security risks, scan findings detected, and so on. 

The Scan List tab lists all the scans—discovery scan, vulnerability scan, and authentication scan, which is indicated with different icons.

From the Scan List tab, you can: 

A) Launch Scan:

- Launch a new discovery scan. See Launch Discovery Scan.

- Launch a vulnerability scan. See Launch Vulnerability Scan.

B)  Enter QQL (Qualys Query Language) queries in the search box to search for scans. See the Search Tokens for Scans.

C) Use the left pane filters to search for scans by authentication status, category, scan type, scan mode, severity, and status. When you click a filter from the list, the QQL search box shows the filter query, and the tab lists only those scan records that meet the filter conditions.

D) Use the Quick Actions menu to perform the following actions on the selected scan:

- View Scan Details 

- View Scan Sitemap

- Cancel Scans 

- Cancel Scans with Results

- Relaunch Scan 

- Delete Scans

E) Use the Actions menu to perform the following actions on the selected scans:

- Delete the scan

F) Use the Search Actions menu to view the recent searches, save search queries added in the search box and manage saved searches.

G) Use the values in the Display list to view the scan list containing

- All scans

- Select single scans with multi scans 

- Select single scans with slice scans

H) Use the Group by filter to group the scans by criteria — Authentication Status, Scan Mode, Scan Type, Security Risk, Severity, Status, and Scan Finding Type Detected. 

Related topics

Scan Categorization

Tell me about scan status

Scan Permissions

Manage Scans

Scans FAQs