Mandates are regulatory requirements, best practice standards, or compliance frameworks designed by Security/business-driven certification communities and/or government bodies. A mandate has a set of requirements that may include one or more levels of sub-requirements. These requirements contain control objectives, and the control-objectives have sub-control objectives or controls.
The Mandates tab serves as a centralized hub for viewing security and compliance frameworks supported by TotalCloud. This centralized space enables compliance officers, security professionals, and IT administrators to access, track, and manage various security standards and regulatory requirements.
Currently, the mandates tab shows 39 supported mandates. These mandates are utilized for evaluation of your IT resource posture. You can click the following to view the supported List of Mandates.
There are 5 columns listed on the Mandate page.
Name - Displays the name of the Mandate.
Version - The latest version of the Mandate as supported in TotalCloud.
Publisher - The publisher that has established the standard and regulations of this Mandate.
Released Date - The date this Mandate was released in public.
Last Modified Date - The latest date this Mandate was updated.
You can click the download icon on the right side to export the list as a CSV report.
Learn how to generate reports based on Mandates at Mandate Reports.