Release 1.6.4

May 8, 2024

What's New?

Extended Support for Bulk Assets Purge

With this release, you can purge assets in bulk. Earlier, it was possible to purge a single asset selected from the listing, reported by PS and CAPS from CSAM UI. 

Navigate to the CSAM application > Inventory > Assets tab, filter your assets based on the NPS and  CAPS, and choose the assets you want to purge.

From the Actions menu, click Purge Assets.

purge bulk asset.

For details on how to purge assets, refer to CSAM Online Help.

Extended Support for Asset Purge Rule: NPS and CAPS Assets

With this release, you can now create an Asset Purge Rule to purge assets detected by NPS and CAPS  from CSAM application. Once the asset purge rule is created, the rule runs, and the assets that meet the purge rule criteria are deleted and not shown in the CSAM inventory.

Navigate to CSAM application > Rules > Asset Purge Rule > Create Rule.

Select Add Other Sources from the Asset Scope page and apply criteria for purging based on Passive Sensor or Cloud Agent as Passive Sensor.

The following image shows the asset purge rule, which specifies that purging will occur when the asset matches the given passive sensor ID.

Viewing purge rule.

To know details on how to purge assets, refer to CSAM Online Help.

Support for WSD Protocol

Network Passive Sensor (NPS) backend now supports web services for devices (WSD)  protocol, which enables NPS to learn asset attributes extracted by Cloud Agent as a Passive Sensor (CAPS). To know more about CAPS, refer to Qualys Cloud Platform 3.16 Release Notes. For more information on how assets discovered by Cloud Agent as Passive Sensor are displayed in CSAM, refer to CSAM Online Help.

Support for Cloud Detection and Response Appliance Registration

With this release, NPS backend is enhanced to support the registration of appliances that detect live threats in the network. This is a part of CDR ( Cloud Detection and Response) feature available in Total Cloud. To know details, refer to the TotalCloud 2.10 Release notes.