Deploy Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance in Classic Infrastructure using IBM Cloud CLI
Before starting, set up your IBM CLI environment. For details on IBM Cloud CLI installation and configuration, refer to Getting started with the IBM Cloud CLI section of IBM documentation.
Perform the following steps to deploy QVSA via IBM cloud console - classic infrastructure:
- Create a user data file with the following information.
- PERSCODE: A 14-digit personalization obtained from Qualys
- PROXY_URL (Optional): You can configure the Qualys Scanner to use SSL proxy for all outbound communication with the Qualys Cloud Platform. We support both IP and FQDN for the proxy server configuration.
- For generating Perscode through API, refer to the Add new virtual scanner API from VM API documentation.
- You receive an 'Activation Code' in the API response, referred to as 'perscode' in the case of the Scanner Appliance.
- Provide an optional proxy configuration in the following format:
Example of a user data file:
## Optional for proxy-configuration:
- Run command to create a virtual server:
ibmcloud sl vs create --hostname <hostname> --domain <domain name> --cpu <number of vCPUs> --memory <memory amount in GB> --datacenter <datacenter id> --image <qVSA image id> --userfile <path to user data file> --public-security-group <security group id> --private-security-group <security group id> --force
ibmcloud sl vs create --hostname qualys-scanner --domain --cpu 2 --memory 4 --datacenter dal13 --image 4123456 --userfile --public-security-group 662721 --private-security-group 662721 --force
For more options, refer to Creating and working with virtual servers (ibmcloud sl vs) section from IBM documentation.
Next Step
Step 3: Access your Qualys Scanner on the private network