Manage Your Reports

How do I run a report?

My scan was deleted. Can I still report on the findings?

How do I know when the report is finished?

Why don't I see the reports list?

How do I view my report?

Can I view reports created by other users?

How do I download a report to my system?

Can I share a report with another user?

How do I stop a report in progress?

Tell me about secure PDF reports

How long are my reports saved?

Choose CVSS Version for reports

Can I run my report again?

Exclude account ID from report filename

When can I run reports on my scan?


How do I run a report?

Just go to Reports > Reports > New, and tell us the report you want. Your options include Patch Report, Scorecard Report, Scan Report (using an existing template like High Severity Report, Executive Report, etc), Authentication Report, etc.

Can't get to Reports > Reports?Can't get to Reports > Reports?

Then you'll want to go to Reports > Templates > New to launch your report. Your completed report will appear in a report window. To download it to your local system, just select File > Download in this window.

Still have questions? If you don't see the Reports tab, your account does not have the Report Share feature enabled. This means reports are not stored within your account.

How do I know when the report is finished?

The report status will show "Finished". At this time you can select View Icon next to your report to see the full report. If you have notifications turned on you'll get an email. This is especially useful if you logged out of the application or went on to do other things while the report was running. You can change notification settings in your user profile. Select User Profile below your user name (in the top right corner) and go to the Options section.

How do I view my report?

Go to the reports list and check to be sure your report is finished - the status will show "Finished". Then select View Icon next to your report to see the full report in the format you requested. (Your finished report may open in a new window. In this case, you can view and download the report until you close the window.)

How do I download a report to my system?

You can download your report to your local system in multiple formats. Your report must be finished in order to download it. You can use one of these methods:

- Hover over your report in the reports list, select Download from the Quick Actions menu and select a format. (Not available for reports in Online format.)

- For an HTML report you can download it while viewing the report. Just select File > Download and select a format.

- Go to Reports > Templates, hover over a template, select Download from the Quick Actions menu and select a format. We'll run the report and download it in a selected format in one step. (Not available for Patch Reports.)

How do I stop a report in progress?

You can cancel a report in progress (with the status Running) at any time. Go to the reports list, hover over the report you want to stop, and then choose Cancel from the Quick Actions menu. To cancel multiple reports at once select the check boxes next to the reports you want to cancel and then choose Cancel from the Actions menu (above the reports list).

How long are my reports saved?

By default reports are saved for 7 days from the creation date in the reports list (when the Report Share feature is enabled). If you no longer need a report that's being saved, then you may choose to delete it rather than wait for it to expire.

Tell me about disk space usageTell me about disk space usage

Each subscription is allocated disk space for storing reports. Managers can view the total space allocated and the total space used by going to Reports > Setup > Report Share. Any user can view their own usage statistics by going to Help > Account Info > Summary > Report Share. Also, the users list shows the space used for each user in the subscription - see the Disk Space column.

Can I run my report again?

Yes. Hover over the report you want to run again and select Rerun from the Quick Actions menu. We'll do our best to prefill the report settings to match the original report. We may not be able to prefill settings if there were changes in your account like your assets changed. Interested in automated reporting? Select Report Options > Scheduling and schedule your report to run automatically - daily, weekly or monthly.

When can I run reports on my scan?

The scan results first need to be processed and then you can run reports including those results. Go to your scans list to get status information for all of your scans. You'll see icons that identify the processing status for each scan. You'll see Scan Finished, Results Processed Icon when the results are processed, and Scan Finished, Results Not Processed Icon when the results are not processed. Go to Filters > Processing Tasks to see if a scan is queued for processing.

My scan was deleted. Can I still report on the findings?

Yes. For every scan we save vulnerability data detected by the scan as 1) scan results, and 2) as vulnerability data indexed by host. We use the indexed data to show you the most recent vulnerability data for hosts throughout the UI (on your dashboard, in your asset search, in remediation tickets, etc). If you choose to delete scans from your account you can still create scan reports that include the vulnerability data collected by the deleted scans. Just create a scan report template with Host Based Findings.

Good to know:

Host based findings are NOT deletedHost based findings are NOT deleted

It's important to understand that when you delete a scan from the list, the host based findings remain in your account. If you want to remove host scan data from your account, you need to purge the host.

PCI scan results are saved for 3 yearsPCI scan results are saved for 3 years

PCI scan results (scans that used a PCI option profile) are automatically saved for 3 years from the scan launch date even if the Auto Delete Stored Data option is enabled. PCI scan results may be deleted when older than 3 years.

Why don't I see the reports list?

If you can't get to Reports > Reports your account does not have the Report Share feature enabled. In this case reports are not stored within your account. To launch a report go to Reports > Templates. Your completed report will appear in a report window. To download it to your local system, just select File > Download in this window.

Can I view reports created by other users?

This depends on your user role. With Report Share, reports are available to users in this way:

- Managers have access to all reports

- Unit Managers have access to all reports created by users in their business unit

- Auditors have access to all compliance reports

- Scanners and Readers have access to their own reports only

Can I share a report with another user?

Users with management responsibilities (Managers, Unit Managers and Auditors) can grant users access to reports which they would otherwise not be able to view in Report Share. You can share a single completed report or all reports from a particular report template. Learn more

Tell me about secure PDF reports

Managers and Unit Managers can create a secure PDF report by assigning it a password. Also they can choose to securely distribute the PDF report via email (optional). Once a secure PDF report is created all users with access to the report will be prompted to enter the PDF password when they try to view the report from the reports list or email attachment. Learn more

Choose CVSS Version for reports

In your reports, you can choose to display CVSS scores based on CVSS version 2, CVSS version 3.1 or both. Just go to the display settings in your report template and choose the CVSS version you want to see. Choose All (the default) to display scores for both CVSS versions.

Exclude account ID from report filename

By default we'll include the user's account login ID in the filename of downloaded reports. If you don't want to include this information, go to the display settings in your report template and choose the "Exclude account login ID from filename" option. This option appears in scan, PCI scan, patch and map report templates.