Choosing a Scanner Appliance

When you launch or schedule a scan you can choose to scan IPs on your network perimeter (external) or inside your corporate network (internal).

Internal scanners can scan public and private IPs. External scanners do not scan private IPs. On doing so, the following error appears:
A virtual or physical scanner appliance is needed to scan an IP address within your internal network. Please enter a non-internal IP or use a scanner appliance.

While executing an API call to update the scheduled scan, if you do not provide any scanner appliance, the Qualys system uses an external scanner by default. If your target/asset group contains a combination of external and internal IPs then you will encounter an error.

The private IP address range :

You will only see the Scanner Appliance option if you have scanner appliances in your account. If this option does not appear, then your scans will use external scanners automatically.

External Scanning

Choose "External" to scan IPs on your network perimeter using our external cloud scanners.

Internal Scanning

You have these options:

- Choose a single scanner appliance directly from the list by name.

- Choose the "Build my list" option to select one or more scanner appliances to distribute the scan job.

- Choose "All Scanners in TagSet" to select scanner appliances by tag. First you'll need to assign tags to your appliances by editing them. Then choose "IP Network Range" tags for the scan target. Learn more

- Choose "All Scanners in Asset Group" to scan target asset groups using a pool of scanner appliances defined for each asset group. Learn more

- Choose "All Scanners in Network" to launch scans using all the scanner appliances in the network you selected for the scan.  

- Choose "Default" with asset groups as your scan target and we'll use the default scanner appliance defined for each asset group. Choose "Default" with IP addresses as your scan target and we'll use our external cloud scanners.