Users Setup

Go to Users > Setup to see global setup options related to users.

Some options may not be available, depending on your service level and subscription settings.

Users Setup tabs

User Permissions

Set permissions that restrict users from viewing details about users not in their business unit, hide users that are not in the business unit, and restrict users from viewing scheduled tasks on assets they do not have privileges to.

User permissionss setup window


Restrict access to the service based on IP address, set password security options, require VIP two-factor authentication for all users, and define how long a user's session may be inactive. Learn more

Security setup window

Business Units

Limit the number of new IP addresses that Unit Managers can add to their business units. 

Configure IP limit for your subscription

Optimized CA Data Processing (PC Only)

Enhance performance of policy reports by choosing to consider only the Cloud Agent information required to process the account’s applicable policies. (Cloud Agents only)

 Optimize agent data processing for policies setup window

Primary Contact

Choose a new primary contact for the subscription (Manager) or for your business unit (Unit Manager). Learn more about the primary contact.

Change primary contact window

Email Contact

Change the contact information (name and email address) that appears in notifications sent to users. Learn more about the primary contact.

Email contact setup window


This option is only visible when SAML SSO is enabled for your subscription. Once enabled for the subscription, a Manager can choose to enable SAML SSO for all newly created users. When this option is selected, new users will be authenticated via the configured corporate Identity Provider instead of the Qualys login page. Learn more

Data List Setup

Choose data lists that should remain empty until a search is performed. This means that the selected data list will not display any data by default. When you go to the selected list, you must first click Search above the data list and enter search criteria. The list will be populated based on the search results. This option is useful for data lists that typically show a large amount of data.  To learn more about Data List Setup, refer to Data List Setup.

Data list setup window

Currently, this data list setting is available only for the Remediation > Tickets list. 

Note that all the users irrespective of their roles can turn on or off the data list setting. 

Activity Log

Customize activity logs to be displayed for your account.

You'll see these options:

Activity log setup window

- Set Default Log Timeframe. Change the default timeframe for the activity log to 30, 90 or 180 days. Only actions recorded within the default timeframe will be displayed.

- Auto Update Activity Log. Disable saving of the policy auto update activity logs for the custom controls that are generated during the scan process.

Password Never Expires

Set the password of such API-only access accounts to never expire. The password of such accounts will not expire until a password change request is initiated through the UI or the password change API.

Note that this may pose a security risk and you must accept an agreement acknowledging and accepting the risk to activate this feature. As per the organizational password security standards, Qualys recommends that account owners change the account password periodically. You can decline this agreement and opt out of this feature at any time. For more information, see Tell me about password security.