
View Detection Details

You can view details of a finding such as its title, status, severity, QID assigned to the detection, and URL of the page on which we found the finding.  We show finding ID, unique ID, finding group, and CVSS V3 scores for the base, temporal, and attack, web application name the detection is found on the right pane. We also display the number of times we found the detection and the first and last date and time of detection. Learn more

You will see these tabs:

Findings & Recommendations - For each vulnerability detected, we provide descriptions to help you identify and remediate the issue. The Threat section shows a description of the security threat associated with the vulnerability. The Impact section gives a description of the possible consequences that may occur if the vulnerability is successfully exploited. The Solution section provides a suggested solution to fix the vulnerability. This may include a link to a patch, update, the vendor's Web site or a workaround.

Detection Details – The Parameter section tells about the parameter that the scan engine used to find this detection. The Payloads section displays a list of tests that show how the scan engine used the parameter to collect the information. Click the View Details link to view the request and response for the payload.

History & Comments – The Scan History section displays the scan history of the finding. We show the past details of the finding, such as its status, authentication status, and date and time of detection. We also show the comments added to the finding in the Comments section.

Additional Information – The tab shows additional information, such as changes you have made to the severity level of the detection. We display the standard and updated severity level, the user who edited the severity, and the date and time when the user edited the severity.

QDS Details - Qualys Detection Score. The QDS is assigned to vulnerabilities and sensitive content detected by Qualys. QDS range is 1 to 100 and includes four severity levels-. For details, see QDS Details.

Note: QDS is not applicable to burp, bugcrowd findings.  

Viewing a detection

To view details of a detection, select or hover over a detection, and from the Quick Actions menu, click View.


View Detections for Your Web Applications