
View Detections for Your Web Applications

Manage all your detections in one place. The detections tab acts as a central area for application security vulnerability detections, management and information. We list all your findings (Qualys, Burp, and Bugcrowd) in the Detections tab. The Detection tab displays detection status, QID, name, group, and last detected date and time. To access detections for your web applications, go to the Detections section and click the Detections tab.

The Detections tab show the detections list.

From the Detections tab, you can:

A) Enter QQL (Qualys Query Language) queries in the search box to search for detections. Use either detection or web application tokens or both types of tokens in combination to search for web applications. To use both detection and web application tokens, click the plus icon in the search box. Enter the detection tokens to search for detections by age, criticality, cve IDs, cvss3 score, etc.  If you want to search for detections for specific web applications, click the plus icon, and enter web application tokens. For example, you can find detections for a particular web application. See the “Search Tokens for Web Applications Scanning” topic.

B) Use the Search Actions menu to view the recent searches, save search queries added in the search box and manage saved searches.

C) Use the left pane filters to search for detections by severity, source (Qualys, Bugcrowd, and Burp), status (Fixed, Active, New, Reopened), and confirmed and potential vulnerability. When you click a filter from the list, the QQL search box will show the filter query, and the tab will list only those assets that meet the filter conditions.

D) Take action against individual detections using the Quick Actions menu. Select or hover a detection and click the arrow to view the options in the Quick Actions menu. Use the Quick Actions menu to edit and ignore detections and update and reactivate an ignored detection. You can edit and restore the severity level of the detections, add comments to the detections.

E) Take action against multiple detections using the Bulk Actions menu. You can select multiple detections and then use the Actions menu to mark them ignored, reactivate the ignored vulnerabilities, and edit their severity level. You can also restore their severity to standard severity and add comments to the detections. For Burp and Bugcrowd detections, we support only the bulk ignore action.

The Edit Severity option is enabled only when the severity level and type are the same for all the selected detections. The Restore Standard Severity option is available only when all the chosen detections have custom severity.

Related topics:

View Detection Details

Ignore Detections

Update an Ignored Detection

Activate Ignored Detections

Edit Detection Severity

Restore Standard Severity

Add Comment to Detections

About Bugcrowd Findings

All About Burp Findings