Configure Rule-based Alerts

You can set up rules to alert you and keep you aware of resources that fail certain critical control evaluations and allow for fixing resource misconfigurations. Instead of having to actively monitor the system, these alerts ask for attention and intervention only when necessary, and make you aware of changes or significant findings as soon as the rules are met.

For example, you can set up alerts for:   

- Resources failing for particular control

- Evaluation result of highly critical controls

- Evaluation result of controls of specific policy

- Resources failing in the latest connector run

How to set up rule-based alerts?

Just tell us what you consider to be a significant finding or event and the mechanism in which you want to be alerted.

High-level steps to configure rule-based alerts

(1) Define actions that the rule must take in response to the alert.

Create and Manage Actions

(2) Set up your rules in the Rule Manager tab

Create and Manage Rules

(3) Monitor all the alerts that were sent after the rules were triggered

Manage Alerts

That's it! You are all set to start being alerted about your cloud-resources!

Alerting Permissions

Assign permissions related to alerting to your user. Depending on the permissions assigned, the user can perform actions like creating, editing, or deleting rules and actions.  

Using the Administration module, the Manager user for that subscription can assign these permissions to other users.

Permissions for Alert Notifications

Only the user having the Alerting Access permission can view the Responses tab on the UI.

Response tab on UI when required permissions are assigned.