Configure Business Units

A business unit is a user-defined configuration that allows Managers to organize assets and user permissions in a way that reflects an organization's structure.


It's simple. Go to Users > Business Units. Select New > Business Unit and then:

1) assign asset groups to the business unit (add at least one asset group with IPs)

2) assign users to the business unit

This is the total number of new IPs that are allocated to the business unit. Unit Managers are allowed to add this number of new IPs - in other words IPs that are not already in the subscription. Only Managers can set the New IP Limit.

What is the impact for my subscription? Managers have a restriction on the number of new IPs they can add when a New IP Limit is set. For example, if 100 IPs were purchased for your subscription and a New IP Limit of 20 is set for a business unit, then only 80 IPs are left to be allocated within your subscription.

Once you save the business unit, you can't edit the assigned users within the business unit configuration. Instead you need to edit an individual user's account (go to Users > Users) to change the user's business unit.

The first user added to the business unit is a Unit Manager and primary contact. Once the BU has multiple Unit Managers you can change the primary contact:

- Edit the business unit and select any Unit Manager to be the primary contact.

- Edit the setting in Users > Setup > Primary Contact.

You must have the Manager user role.

* This option is not available to Express Lite users.

You can only delete a business unit when there are no users in the business unit. 

Go to Users > Business Units. Select the check boxes for one or more business units in the list and then choose Delete from the Actions menu above the list.

When Asset Tagging is enabled for your subscription, the system creates an asset tag in AssetView for each business unit in your subscription. You cannot delete system generated tags from AssetView but when you delete a business unit, the corresponding tag is also deleted.


Impact when updating/removing asset groups from a business unit

Keep in mind Managers assign asset groups to a business unit, giving BU users access to the hosts, domains, appliances in these asset groups. BU users (Unit Managers, Scanners, Readers) can create personal asset groups including the hosts, domains, appliances in the BU asset groups.

Changes to BU asset groups impact:

- what assets BU users can see, and

- what assets appear in their own personal asset groups


Did you know? You cannot add these users to a business unit: Managers, Auditors, or the primary contact for another business unit.