Release 10.31.3

January 08, 2025

What’s New?

Qualys Vulnerability Management (VM)

Attempt Least Privilege for Unix Option Unchecked by Default

Previously, we introduced the Qualys Recommended Option Profile for all new VM/VMDR subscriptions. This automatically enabled certain features by default when creating a new Option Profile, thereby improving scan efficiency and ensuring alignment with best practices.

One such enhancement was enabling by default the Windows and Unix/Cisco/Network SSH checkboxes under the Authentication section. Under Unix/Cisco/Network SSH, the Attempt least privilege for Unix (skip root delegation in Unix record) option was also selected by default.

With this release, we have disabled the Attempt least privilege for Unix option. This allows users for better asset merging and ensures accurate vulnerability detection.

Authentication section with the attempt least privilege for Unix checkbox cleared.

For more information on the Qualys Recommended Option Profile, refer to the following:

Issues Addressed

The following reported and notable customer issues have been fixed in this release:

Component/Category Application
VM - ASR Vulnerability Management When the users tried to download the asset search report for a larger set of assets in the CSV format, they were unable to download the report. Relevant code changes were been made to fix the issue.
VM - Authentication Records Vulnerability Management When the users launched the scan, Unix OS authentication was not successful when Network authentication records were also available along with Unix authentication records. Relevant code changes were been made to fix the issue.
VM - Scan Based Report Vulnerability Management When the users tried to download the EC2 scan result, the download did not complete and also no errors were displayed. Relevant code changes were been made to fix the issue.
VM - Scan Schedule Vulnerability Management When users selected the Temporarily add agent addresses checkbox while creating or editing a scheduled scan, and later tried to clear it and save, the changes were not being saved. Relevant code changes were been made to fix the issue. Now, if users clear the Temporarily add agent addresses checkbox when editing a scheduled scan, the change is saved correctly.
VM - Assets (Scanner) Vulnerability Management When the users tried to view or edit the GCE (Google Cloud Engine) scanner appliance details, the scanner appliance page stopped responding. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue. Users can now view and edit GCE Cloud scanner appliance details.
PC - API Policy Compliance When the users executed the Compliance Posture API (/api/2.0/fo/compliance/posture/info/) to retrieve specific failed compliance data, the tag filtering was not applied correctly. As a result, the API returned all assets from the policy instead of just the assets within the specified tag. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue.
PC - Reports Policy Compliance When the users generated a compliance report for error postures with approved exceptions, the users observed a discrepancy in the percentage of the controls passed per host in the Host Statistics (Percentage of Controls Passed per Host) and the Detailed Results section. Relevant code changes were been made to fix the issue.
PC - Authentication Records Policy Compliance When the users with the Unit Manager user role tried to create a VMware ESXi authentication record in a custom network, they were unable to create an authentication record. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue.
PC - Authentication Records Policy Compliance When the users tried to check the details of the authentication records in the list under the authentication tab, they observed a few authentication records were blank. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue.