Search Tokens for TotalCloud

You can use search tokens to search for resources discovered and controls evaluated in the respective tabs in the UI.

Searching for Resources: Amazon Web Services | Microsoft Azure | Google Cloud Platform | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Connector specific tokens are available once you select the type of connector (Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform) from the drop-down in the Resources tab. Learn more

Searching for Run Controls (on Cloud Posture tab)

Searching for Run Control Evaluations

Searching for Build Controls (on IaC Posture tab)

Searching for Build Control Evaluations

Searching for Controls (on Policy tab)

Searching for Connectors (on Configuration tab)

Searching for Reports

Searching for Exceptions

Searching for Deployments

Search for Insights

Searching for Alerting Rule Controls (Response tab): Amazon Web Services | Microsoft Azure | Google Cloud Platform

Search for Remediation Activity: Amazon Web Services | Microsoft Azure | Google Cloud Platform

Choosing Date RangeChoosing Date Range

Narrow down your search results for controls using our new date filter. The new date filter provides 8 options: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, This Month, Last Month, and Specific range. Depending on the date option you choose, the search results displays controls that are evaluated within the chosen date range.

Go to Posture tab, type your search query in the search pane and then choose the date filter to further filter your search results.