Get Started with Qualys CMDB Bi-directional Sync

Release v2.2.0

Welcome to Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform! here  you how you getvto use the Qualys CMDB Bi-directional Sync App to synchronize Qualys IT asset discovery and classification with the ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB) system.

The Qualys CMDB Bi-directional Sync App for Configuration Management Database (CMDB) automatically synchronizes comprehensive information about your global IT resources that are continuously monitored by Qualys Asset Inventory. This leverages Qualys’ highly distributed and scalable cloud platform, and various data collection tools, including Qualys’ groundbreaking Cloud Agents, to compile and continually update a full inventory of your IT assets everywhere: on premises, in elastic clouds and mobile endpoints.

Key Features

The following are the key features of Qualys CMDB-directional Sync:

  • Support for third asset import using Asset Identification Service. (Beta)
  • Your global IT asset inventory is collected with Qualys sensors (scanners, agents, cloud connectors, passive sensors) and then synchronized into the CMDB.
  • Asset information is automatically normalized for hardware and software.
  • Asset information is automatically enriched with additional contexts, such as lifecycle, support information, and license category.
  • Preconfigured default mapping for all major CI classes.
  • Preconfigured reports and dashboards.
  • For assets that already exist in your CMDB, only additional metadata is added.
  • You can configure filters based on Qualys QQL to select which group of assets gets synchronized to the CMDB.
  • Multiple synchronization schedules can be con-figured.
  • Support for multiple Qualys subscriptions/API sources.
  • Optionally, asset information can be staged for user approval before being written to CMDB.
  • Using the ServiceNow-to-Qualys schedule option, you can export missing CIs/IPs into the Qualys subscription.
  • For CIs that are already present in the Qualys platform, you can enrich the information in Qualys with Asset and Business Metadata and create Dynamic tags based on the business information.
  • SSL certificates information can be synced to ServiceNow for the assets imported from Qualys.


You must have the following permissions and plugins to integrate the CMDB Bi-directional Sync application.


You must have a valid Qualys Account subscription with API Access and access to the following modules:

  • Qualys Subscription with CyberSecurity Asset Management. (Qualys to ServiceNow Sync)
  • Asset Inventory CMDB Sync enabled within your Qualys subscription. (Qualys to ServiceNow Sync)
  • Vulnerability Management (ServiceNow to Qualys Sync)
  • The user's role must have the Update Asset permission for the CSAM module. (ServiceNow to Qualys Sync Business Information Sync)
  • To sync from ServiceNow to Qualys, you need a Qualys account with a Manager role.
  • Qualys Certificate View subscription is needed for syncing SSL certificates from Qualys to ServiceNow.
  • You need to enable the option Enable ServiceNow integration from BO to allow business metadata sync.
  • For ServiceNow to Qualys sync user requires specific tagging permission: Create User Tag, Edit User Tag, Delete User Tag, and Modify Dynamic Tag Rules.


The following plugins must be installed before you proceed with the installation:

  • Identification Engine uses the Configuration Management for Scoped Apps plugin (com.snc.cmdb.scope) which must be installed before you start using the app.
    Refer to the ServiceNow documentation for detailed installation steps.
  • The Qualys CMDB Bi-directional Sync App uses Integration Commons for CMDB'(sn_cmdb_int_util) plugin which must be installed before using the app. The plugin is used for transforming clean values into CMDB.
  • sn_cmdb_ci_class - CMDB CI Class Models: H/W Devices Mapping

    For plugins listed below, you may require hi-ticket from ServiceNow.

  • sn_itom_pattern - Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns: Cloud Data
  • com.snc.discovery.core - Discovery Core, you may require a ServiceNow Support Change Request for this plugin.

Quick Start Steps

Perform the following steps to start quickly for initial configuration and setup:

  1. Install the App - You get the app from the ServiceNow app store.
  2. Add API Source - Provide the API Source details and use Test Connection to know if the connection between ServiceNow and the defined source is working fine.
  3. Create Schedules - Provide details to create a schedule. Once a schedule is successfully created, the sync between the source and CMDB gets working as per the schedule.
  4. Dynamic Asset Tagging Configuration - Create and maintain tags based on CMDB business information
  5. Attribute List for Tagging - Create and add the parent tag in the attribute list
  6. Update Properties - The Properties have pre-defined values, however you can always update a property to better suit your needs.