Get Started with Certificate View 

Qualys Certificate View gives you complete visibility into your digital certificates and their underlying configurations, both on-premises and in the cloud. You can add assets, run scans, and start discovering certificates that are present on your assets.

Certificate View Journey

Click any components in the following image to learn about the various aspects of the Certificate View journey.

                 VM/VMDR | Certificate View  | Upload external sites in bulk

                           VM/VMDR | Cloud Agent | Certificate View

                               Assets tabCertificates tab  

                                  Enroll Import | Renew | Configure certificate authorities

                               Create Scheduled or On Demand reports

                          Configure alerts | Manage alerts | Create & manage rules | Create & manage actions

               Viewing Certificates in Dashboard

Customizable Dynamic Dashboards

Dashboards help you visualize your assets, see your threat exposure, leverage saved searches, and quickly fix the priority of vulnerabilities.   

Qualys Certificate View integrates with the Unified Dashboard (UD) to bring information from all Qualys applications into a single place for visualization. UD provides a powerful, new dashboarding framework along with platform service that will be consumed and used by all other products to enhance the existing dashboard capabilities.

Qualys Certificate View offers several dashboards out-of-the-box. Each dashboard displays a short description of the information it offers. You can also easily configure widgets to pull information from other modules/applications and add them to your dashboard. You can add as many dashboards as you like to customize your view.

See the Unified Dashboard help for more information.

Unified Dashboard help

Global Dashboard Permissions

Your access to Unified Dashboard depends on the global permissions granted to you from the Admin utility. Refer to the Online Help in the Admin utility for information on Global Dashboard Permissions.

Note: When you assign the Global Dashboard permissions to a role, the Global Dashboard permissions override the module-specific dashboard permissions. As a result, the module-specific dashboard permissions are ignored.

Quickly get custom views

Additional Resource

To know more about Qualys Certificate View, watch this video.

To know more about best practices, watch out this video.