External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM) provides comprehensive visibility in the form of External Attack Surface Management (EASM). It gives an outside-in view of your external-facing IT infrastructure to continuously monitor your organization's external attack surface and internet-connected assets, track changes, and receive notifications when new assets, unknown assets, or critical issues are found.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) allows you to continuously identify and assess the security and compliance gaps in your organization’s network.

External Attack Surface Visibility

EASM gives you comprehensive visibility to monitor the external-facing organization’s infrastructure network to discover the vulnerable systems, target attacks, and campaigns.  

With this capability, you can:

- Discover all your domains, subdomains, subsidiaries, and the assets associated with them.

- Discover unsolicited ports, certificates, and applications running on exposed assets.

- Identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in exposed assets.

Configuration and Capabilities

To discover and monitor your externally exposed assets, configure the EASM profile first. Then, you can get complete visibility of your external attack surface with the following EASM capabilities:

- You can configure multiple EASM profiles. For more information, see EASM Multiple Profiles - Overview.

- When you configure EASM, it is essential to know the filter criteria that enable you to discover externally exposed hosts. For more information, see Filter Criteria in EASM Configuration

Viewing EASM Inventory from EASM Toggle

Viewing EASM Inventory from CSAM Toggle

Excluding IP Addresses from the EASM Discovery

TruRisk Score for Externally Exposed Unmanaged Assets

- Managing External Attack Surface Management Dashboard

- External Attack Surface Reports

EASM Reports Download

- External Attack Surface Management Alerts

Download Automated EASM Summary Report

- Know the Attribution Confidence Score for Your EASM Discovered Assets